Split-Core Current Transformer XH- SCT-T16 with Phono plug termination
φ16mm Opening With 50 To 120 Amp Rating
Split-core current transformer XH-SCT-T16 senses AC current from 50 to 120 Amps passing through the center conductor.Split core CTs are designed for fast and easy installation.The split core design permits non-contact current measurements through magnetic field induction without requiring that the primary wire be taken offline and disconnected for CT installation.This method permits a safer,easy and portable current measurement.
Maximum continuous primary current 120 A AC
Output: 1.7 Volt at rated current
Current Ratio: 3000: 1
Maximum Primary Voltage: 5000Vac(Insulated Conductor)
Phase angle: Less than 2 degrees at 50% of rated current
Frequency Range: 50 Hz to 400 Hz
Accuracy: ± 1% from 5% to 120% of rated current
Operating Temperature: -15 Cto 60 C.
Insulation Voltage: 600Vac
Leads: 2 meters cable with phono plug termination
CE recognized, and RoHS compliant
Output and leads can be customized
Sub-Metering Accurate Measurement
Data Loggers to analyze Building & Machinery Performance
Digital Fault Recorders
Smart Grid Application Features
Load Center
Three Phase Balance Control
In-Factory Display In-Home Display
Inverters for Solar & Wind Turbine Systems
Power Measurement Device For PLC